Over the next ten years, over 28% of the workforce in the construction industry Canada is predicted to retire. This is one of the main reasons why a rising skills shortage will be a problem that is set to continue and the encouragement of skilled workers to enter the construction industry Canada is an important issue that needs to be focused on this year.
Some of the other reasons why this is such a big problem, include the lack of women choosing to enter the construction industry in Canada and workers who could easily pick a different industry to work in if they are working in a location such as Calgary, Alberta, where temperatures can fall to -30°C at certain times of year.
The importance of health and safety regulations in the construction industry will always remain a subject that needs to be concentrated on, but some of the more recent issues, include:
Modern technology
According to Robert Kipp, a superintendent at Tishman Construction, New York:
With the millennials and even the newest generation coming into the workforce, they’ve grown up with technology, they expect it. It’s become so integral to our everyday lives and the way that we execute our own processes that it’s expected we use technology.
Going Green
Beginning in the year 2020, the Paris climate agreement is one which 197 nations, including Canada, have signed, within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is set to deal with greenhouse gas emissions and currently, homes and buildings in Canada account for 25% of this.
By 2050, one of the goals of this agreement is for all buildings to be net zero. This year, as part of their commitment to the agreement, research has begun to calculate the increase and decrease of pollution over the time of a construction industry project in Canada.
Modular Construction
On an international level, the modular construction industry is set to grow by 6% between 2018 and 2022. This year, some of the most important sites in Canada are located in Toronto, for people who need a place to stay in a city where the temperatures can fall below -20°C during the winter.
Along with the importance of going green, keeping up with modern technology and modular construction, health and safety measures will always need to be focused on, along with the soft skills required to make workers in the construction industry Canada to feel more like part of a team. Â
Download the Ebook here to find out more about:
- Dealing with the shortage of skilled workers  in 2018
- The improvement of modern technology in 2018
- An increase in the use of modular construction in 2018
- The importance of ‘going green’ in 2018
- Health and safety requirements in 2018
- Soft skills required for 2018