A Quick Guide to GoContractor Reports

31 August 2020

Useful Information Available in GoContractor Reports

Do you know how to use them?

A powerful tool available to GoContractor administrators is the GoContractor Reports.

GoContractor reports give managers a clear view of the workers on their projects as well as safety and compliance on the job site. Do you know how to tap into the reports found in GoContractor? We’re here to help.

What reports are available in GoContractor?

Course Ratings

Course ratings allow managers to see their worker’s feedback on courses within the GoContractor system. Let’s say, for example, you have an orientation course required for all workers. After the course, users can rate their experience. This report allows managers to see how users are rating that course. 

User Qualification Report

The user qualification report shows all users who are invited to GoContractor and their qualifications. This report displays full qualifications. Users who are qualified show up as ‘Green’ and unqualified users as ‘red.’

Unqualified Users Report

The unqualified user report shows all users who have not completed their mandatory requirements. This GoContractor report allows administrators to quickly see what workers are unqualified.

Currently On-Site Report

This report shows managers the people on-site. This GoContractor report is available to those who utilize the Check-in/Out feature, or have integrated GoContractor with their existing Access control or badging system.

License Usage Report

This GoContractor report shows managers which subcontractors are engaging with the system the most.

User Data Report

This report contains all the data you’re collecting from workers and/or subcontractors except for uploaded documents. This means that you can access all the unique fields that users fill out in a single report.

Qualified User Summary

This report shows a breakdown between qualified and unqualified users and why some are qualified and why others are not. It’s available for both worker and subcontractor qualifications.

DOB Training Report

The DOB Training report was created specifically with NYC clients in mind, as this is the Daily Training Log that must be produced during DOB site inspections, but can be used for any project. This report shows all users who have completed the safety courses and their scores. It contains the following information: Name, Subcontractor, Mandatory Course, and Score. As with the user qualification report, passing scores will show up as ‘green’ and failing scores as ‘red,’ both with numeric values. This report is available to work with any access control you might be using as well. You can also generate this report for who’s on-site now, who’s on-site today, and SST Checked today (for NYC clients).

Local Law 196 Report:

This GoContractor report is for our NYC customers regarding Local Law 196 and SST cards. (Mandatory March 2021) This report can only be generated by using the LL196 library requirements. This report is available to work with any access control you might be using as well. You can also create this report for who’s on-site now, who’s on-site today, and SST Checked today.

Every project and safety manager needs clear ‘Reports’ to get insights and record important information. GoContractor reports can enhance decisions down the line as well as your safety and compliance efforts. 

Get Started with GoContractor

We’ve reviewed some of the reports available in GoContractor and how they’re used. 

Are you interested in learning more about GoContractor? Book a time for our team to show you how to help your project get started faster and safer than ever before.


Sonya Sikra

Sonya is the Brand Strategy Manager at GoContractor. She specializes in communicating how implementing tech in construction can drive productivity and profit.

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