Creating orientations in GoContractor is simple. Below we show you how to create an orientation in our easy-to-use platform.
At one time, having subcontract workers complete your job site orientation could take up a huge portion of a safety manager or superintendent’s work day, wasting hundreds of hours every month depending on the project size.
Now, with online orientations available through software like ours, you can ensure workers are trained before even stepping foot on the job site.
Using GoContractor to manage your subcontract workers is easy. Here, we show you how to upload and create a job site orientation within our platform. We’ll explore how managers and administrators use GoContractor, how to create an orientation in GoContractor, and what your workers can expect.
How do administrators use GoContractor?
Managers and administrators (those who manage your GoContractor account, this might be your safety manager, site superintendent, etc.) use GoContractor to manage their subcontract workforce. Watch the video below to see how you can create a project within the GoContractor platform, require workers to complete orientations, upload documents like identification, safety certifications and more.
How to upload an orientation to GoContractor
Uploading and creating an orientation in GoContractor is very easy. GoContractor was purpose built for contractors to use and is simple and straightforward to navigate. You can upload videos, PowerPoints, and more to your orientations. Here, we show you how to upload an existing PowerPoint orientation you might already be using to the GoContractor platform.
To get started, go to and click on the log in icon.
Next, log into your GoContractor Account.
Now that you’re logged into GoContractor, you can upload an orientation or safety training by navigating to the left hand side and clicking on settings>courses> + Course.Â
After clicking +Course, you’ll be brought to a new page. Click on Upload PowerPoint> Browse.
Select the PowerPoint to upload.
Click upload.
Once your PowerPoint is uploaded, you can update and name your Course Title, Chapter Title, and Slide Title.
Click the save icon.
After uploading your orientation, you have the option of creating and requiring a final quiz. To add a quiz, click on the “Final Quiz’ section on the left hand side. Click on the + Add Question button.
Insert your quiz question and answers. Click on the save icon.
To activate your course, click on the double check mark icon. Select if you’d like to notify all workers to take or retake this course. Click save.
There you have it! Your course is now uploaded and ready for workers to complete in GoContractor.
How do workers take your orientation in GoContractor?
As we mentioned earlier, GoContractor was built specifically for contractors to use. Once you create an orientation in GoContractor, you can send out your online orientation to your subcontractors to provide to their workers. Workers simply register or log in to their GoContractor account, select your project, and will be taken directly to your orientation. Workers are guided through the platform in a step-by-step process to upload any documentation you require and to complete any site safety training and quizzes you’ve provided.
Watch how workers use GoContractor here: