Visitor Orientation Checklist
It’s fair to say that visitors are not always welcomed with open arms on a worksite. They are generally unfamiliar with the procedures and practices followed on site and are considered by some workers to be a hazard to themselves and others. It is important that site management is not casual about visitation. There should a real emphasis on caution and organization for a couple of reasons:
1) Safety: Work sites are a dangerous place even for highly trained and experienced workers. A visitor, who may not have ever been on a site before, should be treated as a danger to themselves. This might seem harsh but the consequences are too severe to ignore.
2) The worksite presented to the visitor should be the best version possible. It should represent the values of professionalism and safety that all work sites should adhere to.
One way to cut down on any potentially dangerous confusion is to take some time and plan the visitor’s itinerary. Decide ahead of time what route the visitor will be taking in the site and who will be escorting them. Visitors should report immediately to the main office and should never walk unaccompanied throughout the site. Visitors should not feel they have the opportunity to ‘wander around’ the site. There should be a quite strict plan of where they are going, what they are going to see and how long it will take.
This simple visitor induction/orientation checklist template will help your company to identify the information that all visitors should have in advance of entering your worksite. It should be supplemented with sitemaps and a comprehensive risk map also to ensure that it is effective in keeping visitors safe.