GoContractor Traffic Light System from GoContractor on Vimeo.
The traffic light system is straightforwardly explained in this short video, easily allowing you to keep track of your workers behavior, also making sure that any documents are still relevant and not out-of-date.
This contractor management service is easy to explain, with all listed contractors given a colored symbol beside their name:
- Green: permitted on site with all mandatory files up to date and adequate training for the job.
- Amber: some concerns but still allowed on-site.
- Red: they are currently not safe to be let on-site.
With new workers starting off green, if any documents go out-of-date their status on this contractor management service could automatically turn red.  If they are caught behaving unsafely, perhaps smoking, they’re may be given an amber symbol. This keeps managers aware of recent rule-breaking, understanding that if they are caught doing this again over a certain amount of time, the light is likely to change to red.
Some of main benefits of using this contractor management service, include:
- Realizing that a document is out of date as soon as it happens.
- Just hovering over this red light will let you know why this happened.
- Storing worker documentation together, with no chance of a file being lost or incorrectly placed, something that often happens with paper documents.
- Recognizing any common problems easily, e.g. the rising number of workers caught without a hard hat or smoking on-site.
As the number of unskilled workers continues to rise, this shows the importance of making sure that all workers have completed the required training and no details are out of date. For example, a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) survey showed that the shortage of skilled roofers needed in the US rose from 40% in 2015 to 45% in 2016. Â Â
Once you’ve set clear expectations for a team and each individual, be sure to track how well they’re performing their duties.Â
After watching this short, simple video, it is worth visiting GoContractor to understand how your company can implement this contractor management service easily, using it to deal with their own specific needs.